新TOEIC必考單字600中文修訂版 附MP3 (BARRON’S 第五版)ssential Words for the TOEIC with MP3 CD 5th Edition作者: Dr. Lin Lougheed 追蹤作者 新功能介紹譯者:陳珮馨出版社:笛藤 訂閱出版社新書快訊 新功能介紹出版日期:2015/10/27語言:繁體中文定價:560元
ISBN:9789577106612規格:平裝 / 448頁 / 21 x 28.5 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版出版地:台灣
BARRON’S Essential Words for the TOEIC (5th edition)● 對應新TOEIC題型● 50個常出情境.最重要的600單字● 商務、產業、溝通、人文、旅行等領域● 美、加、英、澳四國口音,更有臨場感● PART1~4聽力與PART7閱讀部份中文翻譯
本書精選新TOEIC 最基本也最常用的600單字。
全書依照主題分成50個單元,內容涉獵商務、產業、溝通、人文、旅行等領域。每個單元會介紹12個單字,每個單字皆提供解釋、單字族群辨析以及例句,有助於讀者增加學習的深度及廣度。每5個單元之後,還有WORD REVIEW小測驗,讓你逐步累積英語實力。
IntroductionWhat the Book Is About (關於本書) v How to Use This Book (本書使用方法) v Strategies to Improve Your Vocabulary (增進字彙的策略) viStrategies to Practice Your Vocabulary(練習字彙的策略) xiv Lessons 1-5 General Business (一般商務)1. Contracts (合約) 12. Marketing (行銷) 73. Warranties (保固) 134. Business Planning (商務規劃) 195. Conferences (會議) 25Word Review #1 31 Lessons 6-10 Office Issues (辦公室)6. Computers and the Internet (電腦與網路) 357. Office Technology (辦公室科技) 418. Office Procedures (辦公程序) 479. Electronics (電子產品) 5310. Correspondence (通信) 59Word Review #2 65 Lesson 11-15 Personnel (人事)11. Job Advertising and Recruiting (求才廣告與徵才) 6912. Applying and Interviewing (應徵與面試) 7513. Hiring and Training (僱用與訓練) 8114. Salaries and Benefits (薪資與福利) 8715. Promotions, Pensions, and Awards (晉升、退休金與獎勵) 93Word Review #3 99 Lesson 16-20 Purchasing (採購)16. Shopping (購物) 10317. Ordering Supplies (訂購耗材) 10918. Shipping (貨運) 11519. Invoices (發票) 12120. Inventory (存貨盤點) 127Word Review #4 133 Lesson 21-25 Financing and Budgeting (財務與預算)21. Banking (銀行業務) 13722. Accounting (會計) 14323. Investments (投資) 14924. Taxes (稅務) 15525. Financial Statements (財務報表) 161Word Review #5 167 Lesson 26-30 Management Issues (經營管理)26. Property and Departments (資產與部門) 17127. Board Meetings and Committees (董事會議與委員會) 17728. Quality Control (品質控管) 18329. Product Development (產品研發) 18930. Renting and Leasing (租用與出租) 195Word Review #6 201 Lesson 31-35 Restaurants and Events (餐廳與活動)31. Selecting a Restaurant (選擇餐廳) 20532. Eating Out (在外用餐) 21133. Ordering Lunch (訂午餐) 21734. Cooking as a Career (以烹飪為業) 22335. Events (特別活動) 229Word Review #7 235 Lesson 36-40 Travel (旅行)36. General Travel (一般旅行) 23937. Airlines (航空) 24538. Trains (火車) 25139. Hotels (飯店) 25740. Car Rentals (租車) 263Word Review #8 269 Lesson 41-45 Entertainment (娛樂)41. Movies (電影) 27342. Theater (戲劇) 27943. Music (音樂) 28544. Museums (博物館) 29145. Media (媒體) 297Word Review #9 303 Lesson 46-50 Health (健康)46. Doctor’s Office (看醫生) 30747. Dentist’s Office (看牙醫) 31348. Health Insurance (健康保險) 31949. Hospitals (醫院) 32550. Pharmacy (藥房) 331Word Review #10 337 Answer Key 341Word Index 347Appendix: Audioscripts for the Listening Comprehension Exercises 351
附錄:聽力中文翻譯 385附錄:閱讀中文翻譯 403